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Feeling Spread Thin?
Hi lovelies! Do you ever just feel spread too thin? If you just answered in your head with a resounding YES, then I am riiiiight there with you. To be perfectly honest with you, it’s the middle of the night and I’m up writing this post. Why? Because it’s the only time that I feel like the world isn’t asking me for something. I recently visited NY to spend time with family, attend a wedding and audition. I’m going to be candid with you. Ready?…I was nervous. Why, you ask? I was nervous because I was afraid I might regret my decision. I was afraid that I would lose the peace and calm that I had acquired in LA. I was anxious that I might miss my life in New York and have to tell everyone that I was moving back. But I don’t. I find that I spread myself too thin here. I say yes to EVERYTHING. Always hustling, always running about. My friends made fun of me when i lived here because I had a signature blue Jansport (pics here) that I carried with me EVERYYYWHEEERRREEE. I would go from teaching to an audition to lunch to a casting workshop to an 8 hour restaurant shift and still try to make it to a late night happy hour with friends. This backpack carried a full day’s worth of clothes, meals and thoughts as I went from destination to destination. (I’m not sponsored by Jansport, but man, that backpack has been with me for OVER 10 years and 10 countries *praise hands* I HIGHLY recommend).
In NY, I realized I stop saying yes to my happiness here and start saying yes to outward demands. For me, I find that my worth was tied to what I was doing here. How am I improving? What MORE can I be doing? YES, those are all valid questions for self-improvement and I encourage self-awareness on every step of your journey. But there’s a balance when your worth becomes tied to your achievements. I like to win. I’m an athlete. But achievements will not make us happy. Measuring your worth with how much more tired you are than the next person doesn’t make you better.
You owe yourself more than that because you are WORTH it. Your worth is not measured by what you’ve done, but by how you’ve lived. Instead of focusing on the “busy” work of what you can get done, find out how to work smarter, rather than harder. Minimize your costs if you will and use that extra time for self-love and self-appreciation. Find the moments in life that make you happy. Stare at the sky. Read your favorite book. EAT THE CUPCAKE (everything in moderation, of course;)) Change cannot happen when we feel empty and depleted. Your power comes from within, not from outside sources. Feed your soul and you can accomplish so much in this world. When we are full, we can overflow and love others deeply. So lovelies, what do you do when you find yourself spread too thin?